Each year Giving Hope & Help participates in Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
Help us touch the life of EVERY girl, woman, and menstruator experiencing period poverty in Kansas City.
We are asking our key partners to rally their friends, family, and networks to support our mission. Gather 24 donors in 24 hours on Giving Tuesday, December 2, 2025 (and before). You’ll help your friends feel good about doing good!
#NoMenstruatorWithout period products must become a reality PERIOD.

We are excited to participate on the biggest global day of giving! Celebrate Giving Tuesday with us. Every cent will make a difference!

Giving Tuesday is 11/28/2023, it is a global day of giving the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

Giving Hope & Help is a part of the #GivingEveryTuesday & #GivingTuesdayWeekly Campaign.

Every Tuesday, leading up to 11/28/2023, Adriana, our Volunteer & Donations Manager, will be in the office with volunteers working on various and fun tasks around the office that help us advance our mission.
We are hosting a Giving Tuesday telethon! Call your friends and family to inspire them to donate to Giving Hope & Help this year. The script will be provided simply click the button below.